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Letter from the State President

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

2022- 2023 State President Collin Jarrell

Hello Kentucky FBLA!

I am Collin Jarrell, your 2022-2023 State President from Bracken County High School. I previously served as the Region 5 President. I am so excited to kick off this year and start with conferences and activities for everyone! I am so glad to be serving as your State President and look forward to seeing Kentucky FBLA strive through programs, conferences, and experiences that we have to offer!

As National FBLA has rebranded this year, I hope we all will truly take advantage of our organization’s principles: Service, Education, and Progress. This is a time to leave the last two years in the past and focus on a full-throttle journey forward.

This year, I hope to see four things:

  1. Increased local chapter membership: We had over 5,700 members in Middle Level and High School FBLA last year. Let’s strive for over 6,000 this year! We have so much to offer to our members.

  2. Increased participation in programs, such as the Local Leadership Challenges (LLCs), Champion Chapter, and Business Achievement Awards (BAAs): These programs offered by Kentucky FBLA and the National Center are easy ways to show-off your hard work and earn recognition.

  3. Increased communication between local, regional, and state officer teams: This year, we will provide updates from the state level to regional and local officers. This will ensure each chapter has the best information and resources as their disposal.

  4. Me serving as a resource for you: I hope to be at many conferences and attend chapter meetings and social events for your chapters this year. I will always try to be available to answer questions and help with what you may need. Contact me at anytime.

I look forward to leading you this year and accomplishing so much together by using Kentucky FBLA: Your Blueprint for Tomorrow!

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